Monday, March 25, 2013
Sunday Night Standings
Barbara M - While we were watching the two horse's asses46
O'Donnell - Maybe the Blue Jays will win the AL East45
Stephen Krupp - Did you copy from Tony???Anthony Vecca - I think he did T
TMOC 2 - Enjoy it while it lasts Dave
Bruce Gasiewski - Looking SOLID
Jamie Violette - Zagged when should have zigged
Isaac "Chalk" Farrow - Good for you I Man
Melissa Roy - So how's Matt handling this?
Cammy Peterson - Hoya doin'?
Bhushan Baba 2 - Didn't need the email address but thanks
Mya M - May be giving the $10 to Barbara
TMOC 1 - Should pass TMOC 2
Carol Luckenbach - May pass Keith
Bruce Gasiewski (Dad) - May be giving $10 to Bruce, not the first time I'm sure
Noah Violette - I think it snowed for 40 days this winter
Joanie "Jeter" Colburn - First ballot HOFer
Ron Roy - Sounds like a 50's kids show
Scott Archibald - Should I bother checking your pool?
John LaBella - Make fun of Robb
Cindy Farrow - Gone....zaga
Bhupal Baba - email address and phone number....ladies???
K. Luckenbach - Like a lead balloon
Steve Archibald - Here I come!
Hollywood 1 - Thanks for all the comments
Matt Warner 2 - Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyooooooo
Bhushan Baba 1 - Defending Champion not defending
D. King #1 - Will pass the mayor
Hollywood Dos - The pupil may defeat the teacher...we'll see
Jackie Center School - Maybe the 5th graders filled this out
Tony Vecca - This is the one that counts T
Steve Arch 2 - Go Canes
Pelczar - No cross outs today
Drew Groves - How's the gold fork?
Jon LeBlanc - April 13 or 14
Tim Rall - Still has Final Four intact
Ryan Casner - More like a Nolan Ryan strikeout victim
Krystyna Gionfriddo - Must be a saint
Joe Casner - Caught up to Ryan
Rich Monarca - Rooting for Barbara's bracket
Kristen Keska - So which restaurant did you yell in?
Pat Sullivan - Just Pat
Meg Archibald - I still like the text
Laura Martin - One of these years
Amy Rollins - You were going to put Duke there weren't you?
David Luckenbach - Tough day for Dad
Andrea Giuliano - Stick to soccer
Samantha Martin - Catch your mother
Matt Warner #1 - Jayhawks
Uncle Jerry - Last good day was today
David Gionfriddo - I guess this is why you aren't in on the side bet
Neil Shilansky - Mishandling at least $10
West Martin - No more directional jokes, maybe
D. King #2 - Awful Sunday
Dee Rall - Temple can't win a game between UNLV and Syracuse!
Linda Chambers - no comment on last comment?
Matt Reynolds - Just WOW
Robb Wyllie - But he won a national championship in sailing
Good night all...........see you back here Thursday night.