Saturday, March 30, 2013


Saturday Morning Standings

Sorry about the delay issues....gotta love System Restore!  Remember that Saturday's and Sunday's games are worth 4 points each and please double check your points total.  Enjoy the beautiful Spring weather!  And the new leader is........


Bruce Gasiewski - I was going to take Fister with my next pick!

Anthony Vecca - Are you reading these?  You know this isn't the one right?
Stephen Krupp - Tell him Krupp
K. Luckenbach - Apparently you can't get away from them

Melissa R - Did you break the bad news to Matt yet?
Barbara M - A Jayhawk victim

Tim Rall - Best showing by a Rall in awhile I think
Ron Roy - A strong Roy year, except for Matt
O'Donnell - Trailing by an ass entering the far turn

TMOC 2 - At least it looks like you are doing well

Bhushan Baba 2 - Hanging Around
Isaac "Chalk" Farrow - Chalk usually does pretty well but won't win it for you
Jamie Violette - Done on the bottom half

Tony Vecca - Krupp knew which one to copy
Hollywood Dos - It really was a GOOD Friday
Samantha Martin - Jayhawks
Pelzcar - no crossouts left
D. King #1 - #19
Joanie "Jeter" Colburn - Opening "Day" is today
Mya M - All done on the right
The Mayor of Colchester 1 - Time for a new campaign manager

Cindy Farrow - Done at 51
Joe Casner - Did you tell your Mom you are proud of her?
Krystyna Gyonfryddo - Y lyke thys
Ryan Casner - And the Casners are all tied up
John LaBella - Starting to look over his shoulder for Robb

Rich Monarca - Good thing you changed your champion
Bhushan Baba 1 - Well he did last year
Cammy Peterson - It is intimidating writing comments for a Harvard graduate

Drew Groves - Still has 3 Final Four teams
Jackie Center School - Guaranteed to win the Center School division of the pool
Bruce Gasiewski's Dad - Bruce has a shot
Carol Luckenbach - Not ahead of Keith anymore
Noah Violette - Not going to catch Jamie

Steve Archibald 1 - Time for baseball
Bhupal Baba - if you want to drop him a line

Laura Martin - Next year fill it out in purple
Hollywood 1 - Done but very much alive with the other one
Matt Warner #2 - More like #40
K. Keska - Buckeye Fever

Matt Warner #1 - Jackie Robinson
Andrea Giuliano - World Cup pool?
Steve Archibald #2 - Why do I torture myself?
Jon LeBlanc - April 14?

David Gionfriddo - Officer Dave
Scott Archibald - Too busy studying to research his picks!

Amy Rollins - Take NL pitchers
Pat Sullivan - Here comes Robb
Meaghan Archibald - Too busy partying to research her picks!

Dee Rall - Root for Tim
D. King #2 - Thanks for the extra $10
David Luckenbach - Has even given up commenting

Robb Wyllie - Roaring out of the cellar
Neil Shilansky - Looks like a union meeting down here

West Martin - Are you sure you wanted a copy of this?

Linda Chambers - Holloway is carrying the EHEA banner

Uncle Jerry - Grandma?

Matt Reynolds - This may be the most distant last place finish ever
Re Vecca comment: I assume you're being rhetorical. The man doesn't even know how to check his own e-mail.
And our safety and well being are in his hands!
Ya know, if you had a real computer, you wouldn't have to worry about this "System Restore" nonsense. #apple
Jugamos dos... Dos, dos, dos... Canes must get there! Hoppy Easter, everyone.
Ok Ernesto Bancos....I like the let's play two but I'm not really sure how the 'Canes must get "there" unless "there" is back to the beach
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