Sunday, March 24, 2013
Round TWO Standings and Comments
I know, the NCAA calls it Round THREE but as Charles Barkley so eloquently states, are we gonna let a bunch of stuffed shirts who never touched a basketball tell us what to do? I think not! Remember yesterday's games were worth two points each, as are today's. We have a Luckenbach vs O'Donnell showdown today. My money is on the Horse's Ass. They do have differences but Creighton is NOT one of them! Almost everyone gains ground if Duke wins today. As Father Mulcahey might say, enough's what you really want.
K. Luckenbach - UNC would be large for you today
O'Donnell - Actually wants a case of Montezuma's Revenge
Barbara M - Could take the lead with a Duke win
Bhupal Baba - Use a pen or write darker!
Cammy Peterson - Butler almost pulled it off for you
Hollywood 1 - Is not dead but the tax collector will be looking for you on Monday
Bruce Gasiewski - The son leads the father
TMOC 2 - The Mayor 2 goes down with John Thompson 3
Stephen Krupp - The Eggplant Grinder leader
Anthony Vecca - The other one counts
Mya M - A Gopher fan today
Bhushan Baba 2 - Dead in the West
Tony Vecca - Louisville vs Louisville in the final? You put Indiana in the wrong place!
John LaBella - A12 point Saturday
Cindy Farrow - Would be winning if she hadn't listened to me about Harvard
Jamie Violette - Hoosiers to win it all
Pat Sullivan - Only 2 Final Four teams left
Hollywood Dos - K State hurt
Melissa R - Dad is gaining ground
TMOC 1 - stick to being Mayor
Krystyna Gionfriddo - Christine, Kristine, Kristina, Krystina, Christina, Kristyna, Helen
Carol Luckenbach - Incomunicado huh?
Bruce Gasiewski (Dad) - Only two Final Four teams left for Dad
Noah Violette - Gonzaga v Georgetown final, the ark sank
Joanie "Jeter" Colburn - doing better than the Yankees will
Ron Roy - We'll see if the crossouts pay off
Scott Archibald - Probably doing better in my pool than I am in his
D. King #2 - lost ground to both Dads
Jackie-Center School - Get Jon Baine to do this next year!
D. King #1 - Makes you wonder why you spent $20 doesn't it?
Steve Archibald - I know I do
Ryan Casner - Beating your brother isn't a bad thing
Matt Warner #2 - Want a banana?
Matt Warner #1 - See D. King #1
Bhushan Baba 1 - Losing badly to the Other Babas
Steve Archibald 2 - I never even want to go to New Mexico
Pelczar - 2 and 3 on crossouts
Drew Groves - Go Belltown
Jon LeBlanc - Thanks for catching my error
Tim Rall - Go Red Sox
K. Keska - Ohio State because they have a great band?
Samantha Martin - Needs some of Samantha Stevens' powers
Joe Casner - Can still catch Ryan
Dee Rall - Notre Dame 3 times...a good Catholic girl
Rich M - not your year
Meg Archibald - nice text
Laura Martin - Can still win the family sweepstakes
Neil Shilansky - And we strust him with our money
Amy Rollins - Not missing the freezing tennis practices
Andrea Giuliano - Give a vowel to Krystyna
David Luckenbach - No Luck here
Matt Reynolds - losing to wife and father in law
David Gionfriddo - Maybe it should have been the officer
Linda Chambers - Better than Marilyn Lovelace
Uncle Jerry - No Crusade this year
West Martin - Only bracket with name crossed out...twice!
Robb Wyllie - El Presidente
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Why I hate this: A Bulldog bucket here, a free throw there, and a Harvard '00 I know would be kicking butt.
Oh well.
Still, Steve, you're doing your usual magnificent job.
Oh well.
Still, Steve, you're doing your usual magnificent job.
Thank you for your comments! I wish more people interacted here. Oh well...Hopefully a comment poster wins!
Say what you want, but most impressive team I've seen so far this weekend is Michigan Stateāa team I have going exactly nowhere.
Let's go, Shockers! Get to the Final Four and wreck everyone's bracket, since my West was lost! As of this moment, though, I still have 3 of my final 4 still in...
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