Sunday, March 27, 2011


Sunday Night Standings

I have never seen so few points to be had heading into the Final Four. Nobody can get any more points from either Butler or VCU. Very few people can get any points from Kentucky. A handful of people can still get points from UCONN. I will figure out the scenarios and post them before Saturday. PLEASE double check your score and let me know of any discrepancies BEFORE Saturday. Thanks! And from all of us in East Hampton, best of luck to those of you at EO Smith this week with you NEASC visitation. The Standings... 105 Pat Leavens - done at 105 104 Mrs. Maksymilian/kk/Obama - done at 104 102 Haley Blomstrann - no more B! Wins if UCONN wins it all 100 Bob Hutwelker - done at 100 Laura Martin - done at 100 99 Tony Mamunes (nephew) - all done 98 Tracey Leavens - has UCONN once more 96 Mario 1 - has UCONN once more Patrick Sullivan - wins if Kentucky wins it all Farah Fasihuddin - has UCONN once more 95 Adam Gootnick - has Kentucky once more Stacey Riggio - done Barbara Boucher - done 94 Chris Mamunes (brother) - has UCONN to win it all John Blomstrann - done Mona Csere - done Jackie Burdick - done 93 Danielle King #1 - has UCONN to win it all Karen Paruolo - done Joanie "Colburn" Jeter - done (as all Yankees should be!) 92 Basil 1 - done Terry Mamunes - done Mario 2 - done Kate Blomstrann - done Scott Archibald - done 91 Linda Chambers - done Raul (sic) Duke III - done Samantha Martin - done Mike Mamunes (son) - done Odonnell 1 - done Steve Archibald - done 90 Joe Niemasik - done Raoul Duke Jr. - done Earl Henrichon 1 - done Melissa Reynolds - done 89 Jody Minotti 2 - done Ryan Casner - done 88 Alan Trotochaud - can get to 94 Regina DellaVolpe - can get to 104 if UCONN wins it all Bruce Andrews - done Sean Boucher - done Rich Monarca 2 - done Erica DellaVolpe - done 87 Odonnell 2 - can get to 103 if UCONN wins it all Kay Niemasik - Kentucky once more Marty B - UCONN once more JBL HC Crusader - done 86 Darlene Dion - can get to 92 Shennell Antrobus - did you win the side bet? Robin Blomstrann - done Briere - done Andy Hannon - done Basil 2 - done 85 Neil Shilansky #2 - done Mike Koerner - done Cameron Peterson - done Keith Luckenbach - done Brenda Pulaski - done Ray Nichols - done Steve Goldberg II - done Chuck Leavens - done Paul Sanborn - done Knapa Najarian - done Diane Hannon - done 84 Joe Casner - can get to 90 Stacy Bellas Violette N - done Jon Hutwelker - done Steve Goldberg I - done Frank Perrotti - done 83 Max - has UCONN to win it all Mrs Max - done Matt Reynolds - done Stacy Bellas Violette C - done Jane Macy Painter - done Steve Krupp - done Shannon Rose 1 - done Carter M - done Marilyn Archibald - done 82 Keith Riggio - done Ed Dion - done Jody Minotti - done Russell 2 - done Kathy Andrews - done Hunter M - done 81 Rob M - done Neil Shilansky #1 - done Dee Rall - done Palph Pemberton - done Ed Kassman - done Barbara Monarca - done 80 Patrick Hannon - has UCONN to win it all but 96 doesn't get it done Miguel Prilló - done Pelczar - done Amy Rollins - done David Luckenbach - done Tony Mamunes - done Chris DellaVolpe - done Leslie Kassman - done 79 Dan Bochicchio - done Reneé Najarian - done Ron Roy - done Shannon Rose 2 - done Jax Meshanic - done Raoul Duke - done 78 Andrew Groves - done Rich Monarca 2 1? - done Lyon Najarian - done Geoff Lucas - done 77 Virginia and Ellie Martin - UCONN to win it all get you to 93 Matt Warner #1 - ditto Earl Henrichon 2 - done Kevin Ericson - done Dave Maher - done 76 Stacy Bellas Violette - done Hollowman #2 - done Hollowman #1 - done 75 Big East Russ - done Brad Martin - done 74 Ron Durham Bulls - can get to 80 Tony Vecca - done Mike Pemberton - done Mike Rall - done 73 Peter Zawisza - done Danielle King #2 - done 72 JRL The Cooz - done Mitchell Krupp - done Kelly Pulaski -done 71 Tiffany - used your real name last year! done Chris Hutwelker - done D. Csere - done Paul Ericson - done Matt Warner #2 - done Tim Rall - done Shelley D. Morariu - done 70 Jill Karatkewicz - done 69 Michelle Astuti - done 68 John Konow - done 66 Kate Ericson - done 65 Joshua Dunnack - done 64 Robb Wyllie - done R Naja - done J LaBella - done
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