Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sunday Morning Standings

The Huskies advance to Anaheim to face the upstart Aztecs 100 miles from their campus; the all chalk Obamabracket takes a slight hit but maintains its lead over the field of 142 and the tournament yields its annual cache of finishes leaving both nails bitten and buzzers beaten, but the big story is that once again there are several people who failed to fill out their entire brackets. O thee of the singular eyepiece, will they ever learn? Me thinkest not. Without further adue I humbly bring you in all their resplendent and equinoctial glory, the standings.

Mrs Maksimiliam/KK/Obama - it's lonely at the top

Haley B - the bloom is not off of this bracket
Tony Mamunes (nephew) - M Division leader challenging for overall lead

Pat Leavens - Chuck???

Kate B - definitely not strannded
Frank Perrotti - evidently knows hoops and cars
Terry Mamunes (sister) - the female leader of the Mamunes Division

Mike Mamunes (son) - enough with the Mamuneseseseseses already!
Bob Hutwelker - Pitt loss may have helped him

Raul Duke III - Hunter Thompson you are not
Hunter M - nor are you! See above

Earl Henrichon 1 - Johnnies once more

Stacy Bella Violette N - Springtime Violettes and Roses abound
Barbara Boucher - You go Girl
Bruce Andrews - Tony's amigo's hopes lie deep in the heart of Texas
Sean Boucher - Year of the Bouchers
Karen Paruolo - slipped back yesterday
Laura Martin - not the freelance colorist in the comic industry

Tracey Leavens - only one #1 seed in Final Four. Unfortunately it was Pitt
Stacey Riggio - beating Keith
Mark Basil 1 - you of all people!
Matt Reynolds - where's McKenna this year?
Kathey Andrews - Are all of Tony's friends names Andrews?
Samantha Martin - did you wiggle your nose when you did this?
Russell 2 - Is there a 1?
Diane Hannon - Cardinals are a winter bird...its Spring!
Pelczar - Had Richmond!
Stacy Bellas Violette C - C? at least a B I think
Alan Trotochaud - well do you?

Jody Minotti - not a friend of Tony's?
Melissa Reynolds - Big move on Saturday
Joanie "Jeter" Colburn - looked more like Mr. Met on Saturday
Cameron Peterson - Spring showers bring April grandchildren?
Regina - the PITTs
Raoul Duke Jr. - Raoul S. Duke?
Lyon Najarian - lion turned pussycat
Farah Fasihuddin - changed Pitt to....Pitt

Mona Csere - Pitt three more times
Jody Minotti - how do I keep the two of you straight? Rich Monarca too!
Steve Archibald - here I come!!!
Joe Niemasik - Pitt not a primo pick
John B - how 'bout Haley and Kate???
Keith Luckenbach - you care about mine though right?
Mark Basil 2 - that's better
Brenda Pulaski - Andy Griffith fan?
Rich Monarca 1 - I added the 1
Ray Nichols - who knew dogs liked Spiders?

Mario 2 - not so Super
Kevin Ericson - family leader at least comes with bragging rights
Shannon Rose - Bloom may be off
Knapa Najarian - knot a good Saturday
Chris Dellavolpe - trailing his queen
Peter Zawisza - Pitt to win it all
Ralph Pemberton - had Butler!

Scott Archibald - has rebounded from bad first day
Jane Macy Painter - Pitt and Louisville in Final Four
Steve Krupp - not this year, but still playing with House money
Brad Martin - why did you cross out EOS? Going somewhere?
Erica Dellavolpe - not going to catch Mom and Dad
Carter M - could move up with the Boilermakers

Robin B - will the first day of Spring be kind to the red, red, robin?
Patrick Sullivan - how's your other one doing?
Ed Dion - I like the added D
Jackie Burdick - almost took UCONN further
Keith Riggio - Falling, yes he is falling.....
Mario 1 - less Super than the other one
O'Donnell 1 - gonna be a tough up and down from here

Tony Mamunes - sort of like Tony Soprano
Dave Maher - don't take a closer too early
Darlene Dion - maybe
Dee Rall - Aggies three times!!!???
Rich Monarca 2 - I don't think I added the 2. I don't remember
Chris Mamunes (brother) - I thought Christopher was Tony's nephew
Briere - still need to cash it
Big East Russ - actually never took a Big Est team out until they met another

Virginia + Ellie Martin - I hope your final is correct
Chuck Leavens - does Tracey beat you every year?
Neil Shilansky #2 - the world can only handle one Neil Shilansky
Ryan Casner - get your Mom to help next year!
Steve Goldberg II - will you be in the pool in retirement?
Raoul Duke - the original trailing the imposters
Amy Rollins - do you have this many crossouts on the tennis lineup?
Jon Hutwelker - long way to go to catch Dad
Stacey Bellas Violette - maybe you would have done better with a letter at the end
Shennell Antrobus - went all Tom Cruise on us yesterday

Mike Rall - can at least give Tim a hard time
Joe Casner - Louisville hurt for sure
Tim Rall - Oh wait Mike, no you can't
Andrew Groves - I like the seeds in parentheses...nice touch
Marty B - thanks for not making me write it out
R Naja - Pitt and Louisville in Fianl Four
JBL HC Crusader - Bad Saturday for Uncle Jerry
Patrick Hannon - only 3 yesterday
Dan Bochicchio - ditto
Steve Goldberg I - ditto
Matt Warner #2 - ditto
Jax Meshanic - ditto
Shannon Rose 2 - ditto
Marilyn Archibald - ditto....Scott and Steve caught up!
Mrs Maksymilian - ditto....own picks not doing quite as well as Obama's
Ron Roy - ditto

Paul Ericson - trailing Kevin
Neil Shilansky #1 - clearly not numero uno
Danielle King #1 - ditto
Ed Kassman - at least you are beating Leslie...for now
Adam Gootnick - not so goot
Danielle King #2 - keeping herself company
Mike Pemberton - only two on Saturday
D. Csere - ditto

Jill Karatkewicz - maybe I'll be able to spell it without looking by April
Miguel Prilló - muy malo
Andy Hannon - bringing up the family rear?
Hollowman #1 - a shell of his former self
Barbara Monarca - at least Rich is up there
Geoff Lucas - maybe basketbalkl isn't your sport
Rob M - rebounded into shouting distance of repectability
Max - ditto
Earl Henrichon 2 - ditto

David Luckenbach - will there be a third entry next year?
Mitchell Krupp - at least your Final Four is intact
Michelle Astuti - favorite to finish last
Matt Warner #1 - should try a softball pool
JBL The Cooz - should have dished off
Leslie Kassman - but still playing with House money

Hollowman #2 - feeling kind of empty
Chris Hutwelker - trailing Dad by a mile

Linda Chambers - at least you had one good day
Reneé Najarian - most slanted writing in the pool
Tony Vecca - maybe you should have kept this in your pocket
Shelly D. Moroariu - more like an F
Tiffany - try the Meow Mix next time

Mike Koerner - the corner is where this one belongs
Kay Niemasik - not picking like a Mamunes relative
Paul Sanborn - let Betsy pick next year
John Konow - see what no love for UCONN gets you?
ODonnell 2 - see you on the 19th hole
Ron Durham Bulls - at least he picked a winner in the final game

J. LaBella - more like J. LaFea
Joshua Dunnack - I hope you are catching major grief for this!

Robb Wyllie - and its only going to get worse

Kate Ericson - at least Kelly is keeping you company
Kelly Pulaski - Kelly, meet Kate...Kate, Kelly

As always, check your scores, post comments and enjoy the games! Arch out.

(Shennell, you stink!)

Now that I'm pretty much out of it, I guess I can start rooting for UConn. Another nice win for them last night. I just don't see them getting past the hideous diablos from Durham.

Moreover, with Pitt gone, it's possible that BYU can take the Southeast, but I still don't see them in the Final Four without Brandon Davies.

Finally, how many Final Four trips does Butler have in them?
I wish I was a Butler fan!
were! Don't disappoint our resident grammarian!!!
Don't sleep on my Final Four...
Hey! I didn't realize I got a shout out at the beginning of this post! Thanks!
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