Sunday, March 21, 2010


Standings Heading into the Sweet 16

Helen Chapman - 21 point Sunday! (Kansas)

Brad Martin 2 - also 21 point Sunday! Not Kansas!

Mike Mamunes - still has Final Four, Elite 8 is all four ones, 3 twos and a #3.....really went out on a limb!
Joanie "Jeter" Colburn - only 1 Final 4 team left

77 (all have Kansas)
Cameron Peterson - picked Cornell twice
Kate B - see what taking your time can do!
Kristen and Barack - very presidential
Mona and Peter - picked both teams from Kansas

Rob Robinson - Final Four alive, 3 #2's and a #3. I'm rooting for you!
Evant (maybe) Hannon - doesn't matter anyway with Kansas

Mike Orenstein Mario 1 - has Kansas losing in final
Cristin Flannery - Final Four still intact
Joe Hannon - Hoya paranoia
John Konow - went to the games in Providence
Diane Hannon - still alive with 3
Cheryl Rowe - left a blank but with Kansas no matter
Uncle Jerry - picked Arkansas Pine Bluff!!!
Eddie Dion - Vilanova losing in final
Mike Orenstein Mario 2 - 3 of 4 with Cuse to win

74 (more Kansas victims!)
Rich Monarca - right half looks good, left side not so much
Keith Luckenbach - it was late! or early! or both!

Chris Mamunes - Elite 8 STILL intact!
Ralph Pemberton - Kansas losing in final

Earl Henrichon 2 - 7 of 8 left including all Final Four
Joshua Dunnack #2 - 6 of 8 including all four
Samantha Martin - 5 of 8 including all four

Brian Dierberger - more like Jayhawk Burger
Matt Warner #1 - might hold on to beat Danielle
Jackson Meshanic - 3 of 4 with Duke winning
Shelley Morariu - both teams in final out

Niki Casa - No Va....a ganar Na Da
Matt Reynolds 1 - only 2 of 4 but Syracuse over Kentucky final
Earl Henrichon #1 - focus on #2
Laura Martin EH - winning the Laura Martin race

Matt Warner #2 - better shot than #1
Chris DellaVolpe - only one Final Four left
Steve Krupp - two left
McKenna Reynolds - 3 left but Kansas
Tony Mamunes - emphasis on past
Mike Koerner - 3 left with Syracuse over Duke
Linda Chambers - still has a shot....maybe
David Wasserman - Kansas is NOT going to score 70 pts in the final
Mark Basil - I STILL haven't been on HQ
Kevin Pelczar - 3 of 4 but Kansas

Mark O'Donnell 1 - all four left!
John B - 3 of 4 Duke over Ohio St
Sue Young - 3 of 4 Syracuse over Duke
Brenda Pulaski - 3 of 4 Tennessee over Duke
Carter Meshanic - 3 of 4 Kentucky over ouch
Mitchell Krupp - also 3 of 4 Kentucky over ouch
Barbara Boucher - 2 of 4 Syracuse over ouch
Chris Hutwelker - 1 of 4 West Virginia over ouch
Bruce Andrews - Jayhawks
Dave Gionfriddo - no bragging rights this year
Teddy Ballgame - dead...but frozen!
Rich Monarca - my other brother Rich
Kevin Ericson - only two left with Kansas winning
Joe Niemasik - more Kansas heartache
Barbara Monarca - can't get too many more points
Stacey Riggio - Xavier twice more!
Robin B - showing the experts?

Bob Meshanic
Melissa Reynolds
Raoul Duke
Karen Paruolo
Laura Martin EOS
Sean Boucher
Joshua Dunnack #1

Alan Trotochaud - all four left
Pesky Jonny
Ron Roy
Paul Ericson
Pierce Hannon
Kayley Ericson
V. Wasserman
Mike Prill
Ed Kassman

Hunter Meshanic
O'Donnell 2
Don Gates
Texas Orange - Is this Nancy Silander or not?????
Danielle King
Jon Hutwelker
Jill K
Bobbie Roy
David Luckenbach
Chandler Rose
Ed Robinson

David White
Dr Sanborn Ph.B. - 7 of 8 left with all four Final Four
Tracey Leavens
Steve Goldberg III
Steve Goldberg IV
Nancy Briere
Kiley Flanagan
Nancy Mamunes
Haley B
P.W. Meshanic
Steve Goldberg II - sorry, didn't mena to split you guys up
Darlene Dion

Dee Rall
Steve Archibald Draft
Steve Archibald
Robb Wyllie
Keith Riggio
Kathy Andrews
Shannon Rose
Marilyn Archibald - I could have written you first
Stacey Riggio's Dad

Bob Hutwelker

Adam King
Chuck Leavens
Russ 2
Leslie Kassman
John Hodgson
Steve Goldberg I
Joe Hollow

Sandy Robinson
Steve Rall
Linda Malavasi
Regina DellaVolpe

Chris Casa
Tony Vecca

Scott Archibald

Martin Young

Matt Reynolds
Peter Zawisza
Brad Martin - If you're going to do two pools this is the way to do it!

Jackie Russell

Jack Lanzi

Rick Berkenstock

As always please double check your total and notify me via email or comment (love the comments, even the disparaging ones) of any corrections.

As many participants in years past have done, this year's ultimate winners should thank Steve Goldberg for participating.

He's extremely punctual with his picks and always plays three or four times, and NEVER IS IN THE RUNNING.

As one who has taken some of Steve's money in the past, I say on behalf of this year's winners: Thank you, thank you, Steve, and may you continue to contribute to the winners for many years to come.
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