Saturday, March 20, 2010



50 people lost their champion in Kansas and another half dozen or so lost theirs between Villanova and Georgetown. If you have both teams left in your final game you probably have a chance to win the pool.
New number one thing on my to do list: choose teams based on mascots next year......the rule of which mascot could beat the other one seems to be playing out this year..........Northern Iowa over Kansas? No way. A Panther versus a Jayhawk. Easy. Saint Mary's over Villanova? No way. A gael versus a wildcat? Could happen (the Irish are mean) Ohio over Georgetown? Never. A Bobcat eatng a Hoya- a light snack......
As one Patrick Henry is purported to have said, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past."

The records of the top seeds for the last five years have been exemplary, and it seemed no mistake to think that that record would continue. Alas, it did not.

Steve, thanks much for letting us know the big picture after the biggest upset in the NCAA tourney since 2004.
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