Sunday, March 23, 2008


Happy Easter!

New Leaders! Remember second round games (Saturday and Sunday) are two points each. Check your totals and let me know if I have made an your own risk of course! I love comments.....leave more comments!!!

David Wasserman - Vandy twice more
Steve Goldberg III - PITT once more

DPBF - That's Dan's Probability Basketball Formula
Gunks Meshanic - Bad writing; nice picking
Steve Goldberg I - you better not win twice
Steve Goldberg II - or three times
Paul Ericson - Duke once more
Denise G - Elite 8 all still in

Woopa - William Prescott Archibald II
Steve Goldberg IV - enough already!
Joe Gambolati - put a hit out on Goldberg
Kooper Najarian - Super Duper Kooper
Chris DellaVolpe - the fall is coming
Robin Blomstrann - first robin of the spring
Robert Meshanic - good year for the Mesh's
Bob Hodgson - good thing I went back to school for this one

Russ Hill - It was fun while it lasted!
Mona Monster - Moaning Louder
Robb Wyllie - Good Jobb
Nancy Briere - NOW has bragging rights over Aman
Chuck Leavens - changed WV to Duke
Crusader's Godson - should we trade for Drew?
Erica DellaVolpe - the PITTS
J Lab - identify thyself!
Earl Henrichon 2 - Duke once more
Mitchell Krupp - +12 must be steroids
Melissa Reynolds - Mother Knows Best
Jon Sanborn - Wave good bye Jon
Joanie Colburn - Is Jeter really out for the year?
Belle Riggio - Stacy's dog likes whiteout
Jorge G - not a wife beater
Mike Koerner - 2 touchdown Saturday
Scott Cross - another 14 pointer
Laura and Samantha Martin - next year spend $10
Tim Rall - I tried to cheat you out of two points!

Rick Berkenstock - have a nice ride home from PA
Ron M - watch out for CC's innings
Deb Csere - solid picks left still
Neil Shilansky - Pitt in Final Four
Jon Hutwelker 2 - ditto
Joe Niemasik - Duke once more
Joanie PetroRoy - say good night Joanie
Matt Warner - If Clemson wins so does Matt
Kevin Pelczar - wanna buy a Lilly?
Kristen Mann - was NOT true to her school
Erin Cross - changed to Xavier...good job!
Diane Hannon - good Saturday
Paul Reynolds - ditto
Tony V - ditto but the freefall is coming
Shoes Meshanic - not the best Mesh
Scott Archibald - William Prescott Archibald III
Stacey Riggio - still losing to your dog
Ray Nichols - nice comeback

Marty Bissonnette - also in reverse
Beaudry - another one headed in the wrong direction
Jimmy the Greek - dead guys don't usually do well
John Hodgson - no Irish luck here
Cristin Flannery - still watching?
Jon Hutwelker 1 - at least you had last year
Cathy Morsey - can come back
Nancy Briere II - going to finish second in the family
Tracey Leavens - c'mon and catch Chuck!
Chris Cramer - good thing you switched to Tennessee
Kevin Ericson - Pitt and Duke again
Kellie Alagic - thanks for the comments! Hook 'em Horns!
Raoul Duke - too loyal to surname
Barbara Boucher - who would have thought you'd catch Sean!
Brad Martin - does Samantha know?
Chris Hutwelker - switched to Xavier 3 times
Steve Archibald - My Elite 8 is intact so beware!
Brenda Pulaski - "Hey, Good lookin'. Whatcha got cookin?
Lia Straub - was sweating out UCLA
Jordan Najarian - falling fast (and far)
Joshua Dunnack - beating himself
Rob - somebody read this to him
David Luckenbach - Elite 8 still there
TLPDM - The Lew Perkins Dream Matchup...cya

Kayley Ericson - Trojan horse victim
Super Mario - needed his brother
Taylor Najarian - to the dogs
ODonnell - 4 letter word for actor Brad
Regina DellaVolpe - at least you were loyal
Tony Mamunes - Elite 8 still all in
Davy Crockett - Has Texas back in the Alamo
Silander - Texan true to Texas
John Blomstrann - glad you aren't doing this I'm sure
Haley Blomstrann - family unity
Tyler Semrow - could move up to the rocky top
Julius Caesar - will JC resurrect on Easter?

Baby Reynolds - it's a cruel world kid
Sean Boucher - still has Day one to brag about
Chandler Rose - Can move with Hoyas
Raoul Duke III - should change name to Raoul Carolina
Sarah Ericson - changed Nova
Reneé Najarian - a small step forward
Elaine Sullivan - done and done
Mike Orenstein 1 - could be more Super than Mario
Nancy Thompson - the site is doing a little better
Kate Blomstrann - soccer pool anyone?
Earl Henrichon 1 - almost forgot to pick final game
Joshua Dunnack 2 - moved up to get here!

Dee Rall - tied for 99th place
Kelly Ellis - you can't lose to your Mom
Linda Hayes - 99th will look good by the time it's over
Marilyn Archibald - no you aren't winning yet
Joan Mastromonaco - top 100 finish will be tough
Steve Goldberg V - what the hell happened to this one?
Mike Prill - winning picks??? you forgot to hand those in
John R Nilsen - John R Goin Nowhere
Karen Paroulo - may finish ahead of Regina
Dan Bochicchio - at least you have the winning formula
Amy Richmond - Amy Poormond
Raoul Duke Jr. - falling faster than Coach K
Virginia Martin - a move up is unlikely but possible
Vikki Wasserman - see above
Uncle Jerry - the crusade is over
Andy H - I need more than that

Leslie Kassman - tied for 115th place
Emily and Paul Frederick - it really took two of you to do this?
Laura Martin - should have borrowed Samantha
Alan Wasserman - should have copied off of David
Mark Basil - should have spent $9 more
Steve Krupp - no steroids here
OD 2 - thanks for the extra $5

John Konow - do I hear 123rd?
Barbara Monarca - is actually beating her husband
Bob Hutwelker - Pick the final game!!!! why bother?
Paul Sanborn - don't you pay attention at ESPN?
Brandon Basil - I hope you didn't pay for this
Danielle King - see Barbara Monarca
Keith Luckenbach - No Luck for K-Luck
Matt Reynolds - your kid is schooling you dude
Cammy Peterson - married poorly, stricly from a bracket standpoint
Haras Meshanic - ?ósap éuQ¿

Rich Monarca - all alone in 133rd place

Jackie Russell - has Shaun disowned you yet?
Knapa Najarian - picked after a trip to Napa Valley
Lisa Sawicki - shall we include the standings in the daily announcments?
Linda Malavasi - I guess Cathy M gets bragging rights

Adam King - all alone in 137th place

Deborah Zawisza - what are the odds???
Peter Zawisza - too funny

Mrs Raoul Duke - Seventeen?

Jeter will never leave the Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I do miss my Donnie!!!!

I can`t believe Duke CHOKED*******

Thanks for the comment Joanie...I figured the Jeter comment would get ya! Can't wait for baseball season!
The start of this baseball season reminds me of the soccer world cup, 6a.m. games I miss Donnie baseball and O'Neil as well. So Steve how about DelCarmen for Daric straight up!
I need wins and K's Ron!!!
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